If you don't see the account you want to sign in with, you might not be logged into your Twitter account through the Twitter app or your Twitter settings. You would need to update your account on your device if this is the case.
To add an account to your Twitter app:
1. Open the app on your device
2. Click on the "Me" tab in iOS. In Android, tap the "..." and tap on your profile.
3. At the top of your profile, tap the multiple accounts icon next to "Edit Profile"
4. Scroll to the bottom and tap the '+' icon or 'Manage Accounts' where you'll have the ability to add a new account
5. Enter your Twitter credentials and the account will be added to your list of logged in accounts
For iOS, if the account already appears in your list of accounts, try updating your Twitter settings on your device:
1. Go to 'settings' on your device
2. Scroll down and go to 'Twitter'
3. Click on the account you want to sign into your Periscope with
4. If the account is not there, you will need to 'Add Account'
5. Ensure the correct username is shown if not, edit it
6. Enter your Twitter password even if it's already showing to ensure it's up to date
7. Click 'done'
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Periscope broadcasts Settings - Public and Private
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Periscope broadcasts Settings - Public and Private
Periscope Viewer Settings
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